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Challenge / Goal

This project aimed to connect a school entrance to a controlled crossing over a major arterial road in a residential area populated by many students. The path connects directly to a previously unused exit at the back of the school.

London Borough of Hounslow was faced with a need to provide a lighting solution that would give wayfinding light and enable school children to access their local school all year round. With the rise in electricity prices and the cost of traditional lighting schemes, the challenge, however, was selecting quality lighting while wrestling with limited budgets.


Solareye80s were the perfect choice for the project, an outdoor solar powered ground light designed for cycle tracks and pathways. Through harnessing power from the sun, Solareye80s provide significant cost savings when compared to mains lighting and also minimal impact on the environment.

Installation is simple, requiring little disruption and no hard wiring making it a practical, cost-effective option. Once in place, the lighting will virtually look after itself, requiring minimal to no maintenance.

The environmentally-friendly lighting option provided the borough with the affordable wayfinding lighting, while giving the community an enhanced feeling of safety and security.


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Solareye; London Borough of Hounslow

Service providers

Solareye; London Borough of Hounslow

End users

All Citizens

    Main benefits

  • Improving travel safety

  • Increasing energy efficiency of appliances

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