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Challenge / Goal

Data management is one of the major challenges facing the city. The Use Case provided a technical ICT framework for monitoring the project data via implementation in the district of Simmering, a testbed for wider use in the city of Vienna, and a framework for general ICT applications.


  1. Intensive international peer to peer exchange with other cities in Europe and further abroad on possible ICT/ database solutions
  2. On-site visits abroad
  3. Decision making on the usage of the FIWARE framework
  4. Elaboration of tailored solutions
  5. Testing of tailored solutions and feedback by users
  6. Communication within the city administration
  7. Gamification
  8. Roll out of the final implemented solution

Citizen participation

In the context of ICT solutions, the term "citizens" applies first and foremost to the users, respectively the staff dealing with databases. In addition, the database was promoted within an ICT Challenge (with some 6000 participants), where more specifically two groups of “nerds” developed in a hackathon two apps on the base of the database.  The general public was invited to attend a thematic district walk where the usage of urban data was showcased. Additionally, information on the FIWARE database was included in all general project information and promotion.


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Time period

Planning time: 6 months to 1 year

Implementation time: 6 months to 1 year


Municipality of Vienna; Smarter Together

    Main benefits

  • Smart data

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