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Challenge / Goal

A specific area in building 14 will be equipped with smart thermostats for demand-side management of the heating needs of the historic building enabling the heat buffer functionalities. 

Key activities are: (1) Improving the efficiency of energy-generating plants through the implementation of smart infrastructure in the form of smart thermostats and an automated valve in the heating system and a CHP (Combined heat and power). (2) Increasing digitalisation through a user app and Energy-Management software. (3) Reducing costs by managing peaks and reducing consumption.


In selected rental areas of the former cotton mill (Baumwollspinnerei), a smart system is used to manage heat demand. Intelligent thermostats are connected to a local energy management system. Through a mobile app, tenants can communicate with the thermostats and specify when they need heat and what the desired temperature should be. The radiators then heat the room accordingly. The energy management system displays the consumption data to tenants, increasing their awareness and motivating them to use less heat. Additionally, by combining thermostat feedback with automatic valve control, the system automatically turns off the heat supply to a specific area when it detects no demand is required there. 

Overall, this system aims to reduce heat-related emissions in the rental areas by providing information in the form of visualisations and the automated control of heat supply based on demand. When the pumps used to circulate hot water through buildings are used less frequently, it leads to a reduction in electricity consumption.


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Time period

Planning time: 1 to 2 years

Implementation time: 1 to 2 years


SPARCS; City of Leipzig

Service providers

Cenero Energy GmbH

End users

Energy Contractors, Facility Management, Landlords, Tennants

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