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Challenge / Goal

Congestion in cities is a major source of delay and frustration for commuters and residents alike, as well as increasing pollution levels and damaging air quality. Stockholm has used sensors to monitor traffic patterns, providing citizens with real-time information for travel times and public transport alternatives. The control and communication system between passenger vehicles and infrastructure enables smoother traffic flows.


Traffic lights are equipped with software which communicates the current status of the light and when it is about to switch to another colour. This is achieved through a data connection between the traffic light, the cars’ onboard software and GPS, and a central computer handling the calculations.

Insero, together with EWF Institute and Audi, were implementing an information system for drivers. Through a special device in the car, the driver could receive information about what speed to drive in order to reach a green light at the next junction.  A specific route in Stockholm with eleven traffic lights was chosen to demonstrate the information tool in two cars. Effects on travel time and the drivers’ experiences were evaluated during the test period. All data were collected both for base line and for the actual vehicle with the communication device.


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City of Stockholm

End users

Vehicle Users

    Main benefits

  • Improving traffic management

  • Reducing use of fossils

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