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Challenge / Goal

Transportation of heavy masses from the excavation of urban construction sites accounts for a large part of heavy vehicle road traffic in Stockholm and is likely to increase in the near future. This is due to the expansion of the city metro and sewer systems. For this reason, the city of Stockholm is keen to test and evaluate the potential benefits of using barges on inland waterways and at sea to remove heavy mass from inner-city construction sites.

This measure is aimed at reducing goods deliveries (number of vehicles and transport distances) and hence also reducing emissions and creating a more accessible and less congested city. It comprises two key actions. The first one is a pre-study to outline the potential to consolidate goods purchased by the city of Stockholm, which aims to increase knowledge about the steps required to implement consolidation of deliveries for municipal goods. The second action is to consolidate heavy mass from excavation projects using barges instead of trucks.


For the first action of this measure, a pre-study outlining the potential to consolidate goods purchased by the city of Stockholm was carried out. The pre-study outlines a variety of options and makes suggestions about the types of activities, product groups and steps required to realise consolidation. It serves as a basis for political decisions about the future consolidation of municipal goods in Stockholm, but its findings are relevant to other cities and a translated version of the report is available.

The second action tests and demonstrates the collection of heavy mass from an excavation in tunnelling and other construction sites using barges. The demonstration will result in an evaluation of noise impacts from loading uncrushed material to a barge in central Stockholm, as well as a cost-benefit analysis comparing transport by barge to transport by truck and the mapping of potential barge loading areas in the Stockholm region. 


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City of Stockholm

End users

Decision-makers; Delivery Companies

    Main benefits

  • Reducing local air pollution

  • Improving traffic management

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